This is the sound of a man who has learnt to embrace his past and look ahead with refreshing sentiment. It’s also the story of how Jeff Martin got his groove back. The Ground Cries Out is a stomping return to form from the former Tea Party front man, and from the opening title track it’s clear that Martin is letting his influences shine – that mix of middle eastern instrumentation and Led Zeppelin-ish bluesy swagger dominates throughout, aided by dashes of rootsy shamanism. Tracks like ‘The Cobra’ are reminiscent of his old band circa The Edges Of Twilight – its rhythm augmented by an orchestral groove and that rich, burning baritone that Martin is well recognised for. Whether engaging us with the gorgeous instrumentals of ‘The Mekong’ or the pleading alt-rock sounds of closer, ‘The Pyre’, Martin continues to weave a musical mythology hat should satisfy old fans and entice new ones.”
Paul Frost
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May 2011
Album review: Reverb Magazine

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