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Press: He’s baaack! Jeff Martin returns in form of the new trio Jeff Martin 777
He’s baaack! Jeff Martin returns in form of the new trio Jeff Martin 777
“It’s going to be a beautiful mindfuck,” Jeff Martin whispers through a diabolical grin.
Six months before his new single dropped, I knew the former frontman of The Tea Party had something up his sleeve. The mischievous, scheming look in his eyes gave it all away. read more
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Press: Martin brings new, but familiar sound to Bert Church
Martin brings new, but familiar sound to Bert Church
By Nick Kuhl | Rocky View Weekly
When the opening riff of The Ground Cries Out began for nearly 350 music fans last week, at first it was a confused mix of familiarity and comfort emulating from a recognizable, yet moderately forgotten source.
But when Jeff Martin’s howling voice and signature Middle Eastern-influenced guitar worked into the first verse of the title track and lead single from his new band’s new album, everything became evident. read more
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The Ground Cries Out Video
We are happy to share the video of the title track with you:
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Jeff visited Power97
Jeff Martin appeared live in studio with Casey on the Power Drive. He sang his song Riverland Rambler from his new album The Ground Cries Out.
Listen to the full interview here.
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Press: A homecoming of sorts
A homecoming of sorts
By Jim Barber
The Middle Eastern-inspired rhythms, tones and musicality is still there. There is hard rock bombast, inspired lyrical turns of phrase, dramatic changes in vibe and mystique. In other words, The Ground Cries Out is the prototypical Jeff Martin album. read more
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Press: Jeff Martin’s close call in Jordan
TRUE TALES OF THE ROAD: Jeff Martin’s close call in Jordan
By Mike Ross
Jeff Martin’s entire life is a True Tale of the Road.
We remember him as a guy who sings (and looks) like Jim Morrison and plays guitar like Jimmy Page, which worked out because Jeff’s first band the Tea Party was sort of a hybrid of both. He played strange stringed instruments from exotic places, lived in a spooky old house in Montreal, grew too fond of mind-altering drugs and claimed that supernatural forces were at work on his mind. He even experienced “yogic flying.” read more
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Snapshots from the road…
As a registered member of the community can can see some impressions from the current Canada tour…Click here to become a member…
Click here to see the photos…
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Queen Of Spades now available on iTunes Oz
A digital single version of Queen Of Spades is now availableat the Australian iTunes Store. Click here to buy the single.
Full album available in Australia on April 8.
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Jeff talks to Rock Star Weekly (video interview)
Click on the image below to open the video:
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Press: Jeff Martin back with new band
Jeff Martin back with new band
The Tea Party is well and truly over for Jeff Martin. Thanks in part to the likes of Sarah Palin.
Five years after dissolving his Can-Rock trio, the singer-guitarist claims to have no interest in a reunion — and even if he had, their name has been tainted by the U.S. political movement.
“Isn’t that terrible? God, it’s terrible,” laments Martin. “I don’t feel good about that at all. It’s the worst part of the American psyche — politically, anyways. Just the ignorance and all that stuff, it’s a shame. They’re taking something that was so meaningful in American history and turning it upside-down. So yeah, that’s a reason not to do it.” read more
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